Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Journey to be a Millionaire (Part 2)

Quoted from "The Millionaire Next Door":

"It is unfortunate that some people judge others by their choice in foods, beverages, suits, watches, motor vehicles, and such. To them, superior people have excellent tastes in consumer goods. But it is easier to purchase products that denote superiority than to be actually superior in economic achievement. Allocating time and money in the pursuit of looking superior often has a predictable outcome: inferior economic achievement."

Totally agree. Don't you? I mean, WHY base your happiness, peace, joy, etc... on EXTERNAL things that don't last? In the end, those things are just pieces of metal, plastic or cotton. You can't bring these things to heaven, and they will, in a short time, become outdated. Tell me honestly - can you REALLY keep up with technological advances? And expensive food - what happens to them??? LOL... yup, everyone knows that in the end, they all become SHIT, just the same as the maggi goreng telur mata from the mamak. Don't tell me there's such thing as a "superior" SHIT. All SHITS are SHITS, period.

But don't get me wrong. I am not against superior consumer goods. When I become a millionaire, and when I have positive cashflow, surpluses even after giving to the Kingdom of God, I will no doubt invest in "more superior" consumer goods. Besides, what's the point of working hard and finally achieving your goals/dreams/targets if you don't celebrate and enjoy your successes?

But sadly, people can't wait to enjoy their affluency now. They don't have plans to become a millionaire, no long-term investment plans. RM10K will be gone in a matter of months, or weeks, for some. Furthermore, we are all "corrupted" or "pre-programed" by the media, the press, and peer pressure. What does the media and the press do excellently? Sensationalize high-spending, lifestyles of the rich and famous. Mutu, gaya, keunggulan... The fame, the pleasure, the popularity... Quick cash, money-loaded TV quiz shows, jackpots, lottery wins, etc... Tell me honestly, have you EVER come across any program, any advertisement, anything in popular magazines that promotes wise spending, spending well below your means, being frugal, etc.? I mean, people will definitely go to sleep, seeing those kind of things telling people how much this person SAVED, how much that person INVESTED, the efforts to get a better DEGREE, the simple and plain lifestyle of totally unknown people.

It is not a wonder why so few people in Malaysia are millionaires. Even most people with six-figure annual incomes are not millionaires. They believe in spending tomorrow's cash today. They are debt-prone and are on earn-and-consume treadmills. To many of them, those who do not display abundant material possessions are NOT SUCCESSFUL.

It's your choice - superior on the outside or superior economic achievement?


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